If you are here, you have seen some of my work. I have been creating custom pieces of art inspired by vintage 80s toys in various scales - 6", 7.5", 12" and even LIFE SIZE. I often receive requests for the STL files of my models. In the past I have always declined. UNTIL NOW...


You may request an STL model be built for any o-ring figure. When I receive a minimum of 40 requests for a specific figure, I will build it and make it exclusively available to the members that requested it for PERSONAL USE. Each member agrees to donate $25/figure for my time. This amount will drop as requests increase until it reaches $15/figure. The  drop will be calculated starting at the 40 request mark until the model is complete, at which point the donation amount will be frozen to keep it fair to those that requested first. 

What do you get?

Once a figure reaches the request threshold, it will be built. You will receive STL model files for each individual part of the figure and its accessories. For example, you will get 16 body parts for a 1982 straight arm figure plus whatever accessories it came with. For a 1984 SE V2, you will receive 20 body part files plus 3 accessory files and 1 very popular puppy file. All files will be in STL format and located in its relative place to the origin. They will be high definition, clean and ready to be scaled to whatever size you want - even life sized! 

These models are meant to be printed separately and assembled in the same manner as the OG. 

Because these files are high definition, the face counts are also high. This means that these files are much larger than what you would see on sites like "thingy". A complete figure package can range from 350MB to 1.5GB depending on the figure and accessories. This is purposely done to maintain the absolute best quality possible. Think of jpeg compression vs full format high res images.

What you don't get?


Some things are not included for obvious reasons; screws, rivets, o-rings, hoses and assembly. 

More importantly, to be clear - you do not get 3D printing support. I am always happy to help friends out, but you can see how this will get unmanageable in this scenario. Instead, I would recommend you take advantage of all the experts in the community and groups. I will post my recommended settings and material lists for tips, but that's it. 

If there are any issues with the files themselves - I will address it and issue and update to all. 

A note on Drivers - vehicles are not included. Although in some cases, like Zartan's skier or Serpentor's chariot, I may treat these as their own figures. So, request them separately. Please don't request larger vehicles.  

So let's get started!

Go to http://viper6ix.com/stl-project/   and fill in the form with all the figures you dream of having. You can fill it in multiple times if you decide later to add figures. Below the form, I will update each figures request status so you can see how close we get to the goal. 

Remember, you are only committing to the figures you request and only once it hits the goal. After that, I will reach out with transaction instructions for the next step. 

Some legalish stuff

I create digital 3D art inspired by vintage toys. All rights of the IP are reserved by the original manufacturer and license holders. I am not selling toys, nor am I selling any product. The exchange is for my time to create the art pieces on your behalf, not for the pieces themselves. Accordingly, this extends that these are for personal use only, and may not be used to create products for sale or resale.